Time sure goes by quickly when you are having fun! It is hard to believe that I just finished my sophomore year of college. This school year was full of studying what I love, spending time with friends, and celebrating the little moments of joy. Although being 20 is still so young, each year I learn more and more about myself and my relationships with others. This being said, here are the “keys to life,” if you will, from my 20-year-old perspective.

Just Say Yes

Last minute dinner invite? Asked to go on a long walk with an old friend? Called up to go hang out with a new group of people? Why not go! For us college students there are only so many years when you can simply walk next door to make a new friend. If you’re already living your big-kid life and a new opportunity arises, just go for it! Everybody can always use a friend. Be bold! Be you! What’s not to love?

Find Joy in All Aspects of Life

Being a student, employee, or simply a human being can be tough. There were certain points during the school year when I felt consumed by schoolwork. When I felt this way I had to create my own little moments of joy. For me, these moments looked like listening to my favorite song while studying, going on a walk with a friend, or getting a coffee and cookie from a local coffee shop. Whatever stage of life you may be at, make sure you create some moments of peace and happiness.

Grab a Pen and Paper

If you are not a big writer or feelings person, just hear me out. Feeling stressed and confused sucks, and sometimes you just need to get your emotions down on a page. Buy a journal! Not only are they therapeutic, but they serve as a time capsule for what you deem as life’s important moments. ​​Here is a perfect journal to get started with!

Let’s Hear It for The Girls

This past year I spent living in my sorority house; in other words, I got the privilege of spending every day with 55 of my closest friends. When I moved into this house I did not realize how special it would be to constantly be surrounded by strong, motivated, and unique women. My main takeaway from this experience? Regardless of the stage of life you may be at, make sure that you have one or two friends that you can count on to always lift you up. My girl gang this year, and every year, helped me make each day better than the one before.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! These are not all the lessons that I’ve learned in my twenty years, but these are definitely some of the most important ones to me from this phase of my life. Remember to keep treating yourself and others with the love you deserve!

Love Ya!


One thought on “Life’s Take-Aways as a 20-Year-Old

  1. You’re so good! So many valid points and great suggestions. I love that you used the picture of your four “Besties”!
    Love ❤️ you!

    Liked by 1 person

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