Hey, everybody! This blog post is about something that has been in my heart lately. I absolutely adore my life at college, but this summer has caused me to appreciate life in a bit of a new way. Let’s get into it!

As we grow up, and especially as we go off to college, comes a wave of excitement with the “newness” of our future. We wonder about all the new people we will meet; the new coffee place we will try; the new professor we will have in our entry-level science class. Now, after spending the summer at home after two wonderful years of college, I’ve realized that there are still so many special moments to be shared with those from your “past,” if you will.

Some of the most fond and special moments this summer I shared with people who I previously categorized as a “past” part of my life. It is a beautiful thing that you can reopen doors with people that you feel yourself missing. Send a text to grab lunch with an old friend, or call your mom if you think about a funny memory from growing up.

There is power in rekindling your relationship with people or things from your childhood. Instead of constantly dreaming about your amazing future (it will be incredible, no doubt) I encourage you to take a moment and thank the people and places which helped mold you into who you are right now. Recognize the beauty within your hometown. Take a mental picture of your mom making dinner, or your sister getting ready for the day. Remember how all the little things eventually add up to be the big, beautiful things.

Life is amazing and showing gratitude makes it even sweeter! I challenge you to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while or to do an activity that you used to love. Celebrate your past to better prepare you for your future. Give love to all the stories, people, and places that make you, you!

Thank you for reading this today and I hope you are happy, wherever you may be in life! Always remember to celebrate yourself and your joy.

Love Ya!


One thought on “Looking Into The Past Can Help Your Future

  1. Oh Ainsley . . . This was a beautiful blog. It truly brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart. And you are so right, the past really does affect one’s future, good or bad. Lucky for you, you have a wonderful mother that has helped to create a fantastic family . . . that will have a FANTASTIC future! Love you.

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