Hi everybody! I hope you are all doing well. After recently being reunited with my college friends and settling into my junior year at Ohio State, I have been reflecting on what makes me feel good. Let’s get into one lesson that I have been really trying to practice lately: feeling your loved one’s happiness as your own.

As young adults (or any aged people, really,) it can be easy to compare yourself to others. Maybe your friend just got promoted, your other friend just killed their chemistry test, or your other-other friend just got asked on an amazing date.

Now, for some of us, these events can be frustrating. As people, we often find ourselves asking, “Why not me?” instead of celebrating our small victories every day. Right now, as you sit on your phone or laptop reading this, I want you to think of three things you accomplished today. They could be as easy as making your bed, catching up with a friend, or walking to class. Look at that! Look at you! Way to go!

By celebrating the small things that you have accomplished, it is easier to feel other’s happiness as your own. Instead of asking why it wasn’t you this time around, celebrate the joy your friend feels. Jump around! Give them a hug! You have something special coming around the corner. It always feels wonderful to be happy; and, if your friend just got the best news of their life that is something to be extra happy about.

To wrap it all up, the next time you feel yourself comparing your life to your friend’s try to reframe your mindset. You are amazing and capable. Life has incredible things in store for you; you just might need to wait a little longer. Comparison is the thief of joy, and good things take time.

Love Ya!


One thought on “The Value of Feeling Other’s Joy as Your Own

  1. “WOW”! One of your very best, Ainsley Maurine! And you are so correct, anyone at any age can benefit from your sage advice. My favorite line is the ver last line . . “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I will remember that one forever!


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