I am currently sitting in my childhood bedroom on a lazy Sunday night, and a little bit of reflection on the summer so far only seemed right. Since going to college, I love to use summer as a time to practice healthy/fun habits to feel like my best self. Let’s chat about little ways I make myself feel more satisfied while at home.

Take Some Time for Yourself

It can sometimes get lonely at home, but we need to shift perspectives and realize that this is not necessarily a bad thing! While at home, I encourage you to maximize your “alone time” by intentionally taking time to nurture yourself. If you think about it, you are the only person that will be there for you every day of your life. That’s kind of weird, right? Try to work on crafting your dream relationship with yourself. It is amazing when you find ways to spark joy while alone.

Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

I find myself missing my friends from school quite a bit during the summer. An easy fix for this issue? Give that person you miss and love a call! I instantly feel better after communicating with my special people. Nobody is a mind reader, so you need to try a little harder in the summer to make your people feel the love. Go, pick up the phone!

Get a Move on It

At home, I make it a priority to move my body in some way (almost) every day. Two of my favorite ways to get my heart rate up are hot yoga and walking, but choose an activity that works for you. My mental health undoubtedly improves when I am active in one way or another. This 30 minutes of “you” time will reward you physically and mentally.

Try Something New

A new hobby that I have picked up this summer is studying for the LSAT; I guess we can call that a hobby? Regardless, I do feel like throwing this new element into my daily routine has kept me more entertained this summer. Set a fun goal to spice up your life! Maybe you want to start journaling every day or try a new, fancy recipe. Your options are endless.

Create Something to Look Forward To

Whether you choose to spend your free time with your friends or your family there are so many fun things you can do to enhance your typical hang-out. My girlfriends and I recently painted wine glasses, which was so easy and fun! You could also plan a build-your-own pizza night, a thrifting trip, or a picnic with you and your bestie’s favorite foods. These small but fun adventures will make summer more exciting!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post; your support means the world to me! I hope that you are having a refreshing, relaxing summer and that this post inspired you even just a little bit!

Love Ya!


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