Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season… I am back from my hiatus and I am so excited to get back to writing. Today’s blog is all about what you can do to make 2021 kick butt, and how to live in the highest quality of life.

You Can Literally Do Whatever You Want

Think about it- what is holding you back from pursuing your dreams, taking that risk, or telling that special someone you love them? The answer is plain and simple: nothing. If you can learn to prioritize yourself and your happiness over the opinions of other people, you will undoubtedly be happier and achieve the goals you create for yourself. By putting yourself first, you put yourself right where you are supposed to be.

Physical Health + Mental Health

For many people a new years resolution means getting in shape, building that booty, and implementing working out into a daily routine. Now physical health is very important, but no matter how hard you push yourself physically if you have poor mental health/low self esteem you will never truly reach your goals because you will never feel satisfied. Regardless of your body (which is already beautiful), if you love yourself and practice positive self talk you are bound to be happier with your appearance. In 2021 let’s workout to first feel good, then look good, okay?

You Have More Potential Than You Think

You have so many talents you have not even discovered yet. This year, I challenge you to try something new. It can be something you have been itching to do for a long time or something completely random, it doesn’t matter. Just realize you have more potential to succeed than you realize, and that you can impact the world in ways you may not even know yet.

Focus In On The Real Ones

Finally, the people closest to you can be a huge factor in how you live and how you feel. If you are wanting to make a change this year, maybe reconsider your current relationships in order to prioritize your happiness and success. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you are loving all of your friends and family, make sure you let them know. Give love to the people who deserve your time and energy.

2021 is going to be a good year, and I hope these tips helped you prepare your happiness and success. I am so excited for the future and what is to come, and I thank you everyday for your support.

Stay Smiling,

Ainsley Mo

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